The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) is an annual event promoted by Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and the National Laboratory of Computer Networks (LARC). For more than three decades, SBRC has become the most important national scientific event on computer networks and distributed systems, and one of the most crowded in the computer science field.
The 34th edition of this Symposium will be held from May, 30th until June 3rd in Salvador, Bahia. The event coordination is under the conjunct responsibility of the Department of Computer Science of Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and the Federal Institute of Bahia (IFBA). The event will be composed of technical sessions, mini courses, panel discussions and debates, workshops, tools salon, speakers, tutorials presented by internationally renowned researchers.
Prêmio Destaque SBRC Professor Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) Em reconhecimento às suas valiosas contribuições científicas nas áreas de redes de computadores e sistemas...
O Jantar de Confraternização do SBRC 2016 será realizado no dia 02 de junho no Restaurante do Convento do Carmo no Centro Histórico de Salvador, a partir das 20:00hs. Preparamos um lounge dinner gastronômico, com...
A Cerimônia de Abertura do SBRC 2016, ocorrerá no dia 31 de maio de 2016, às 19:00 hs, no Salão Nobre do Palácio da Reitoria da UFBA, no Canela. Após a Cerimônia, a organização do evento convida os...